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dc.contributor.authorKizilgecit, Muhammed
dc.contributor.authorIslek, Mustafa
dc.descriptionWOS: 000391860100004en_US
dc.description.abstractTo pray is an attitude related to both one's own holy and his perceiving existence. It is also related to how he evaluates his existence in terms od the universe. in addition, prayer can be said to be a bridge determining attitudes and behaviors in regards to belief and disbelief and intrinsic/extrinsic religiosity. Prayer which is a different importance for each development stage can be expressed to have a special place for youth in identity seek. the aim of the study is to try to examine the prayer behaviours of high school sturdents in terms of various demographic variables and to determine the differences. the sample of the study consists of randomly selected 362 (male = 118, female = 244) people among students studying in Anadolu Imam Hatip High School, High School of Science, Social Science High School, the Health Professions High School in Rize. the age range of the respondents is 13-21 and the average age is 17. Demographic 'Variable Surveys" and "Attitudes of Prayer" as data collection tools have been used. According to the T-test results made to determine the difference between prayer averages in regards of students' gender variable, it has been found that the female students' general score positions were higher than the male students' ones and the difference between them was significant. the type of school has been observed to be meaningful in the prayer relationship. prayer. While Health Professions High School students took the highest average score in total prayer, Social Sciences High School students took the lowest average score.en_US
dc.publisherDinbilimleri Akad Arastirma Merkezien_US
dc.subjectPrayer Attitudesen_US
dc.subjectSocio-Demographic Variablesen_US
dc.subjectHigh School studentsen_US
dc.titleThe Relationship Between Demographic Characteristics and Prayer Attitudes: An Empirical Research on High School Studentsen_US
dc.relation.journalDinbilimleri Akademik Arastirma Dergisi-Journal of Academic Research in Religious Sciencesen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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