Aeromonas hydrophila as a causative agent of blue sac fry syndrome in different trout species
Kayis, S., Er, A., Yilmaz, C., Duzgun, A., Kose, O., Kurtoglu, I.Z. (2015). Aeromonas hydrophila as a causative agent of blue sac fry syndrome in different trout species. Journal of Fish Diseases, 38(12), 1069-1071.
Blue sac fry syndrome (BSFS) occurs in alevins of
rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)
and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, (Mitchill)
and can cause substantial losses during the incubation period. It is generally considered to be a
non-infectious disease associated with water quality criteria such as temperature, pH, total nitrogen
compounds and dissolved gasses (Noga 2010).