Inverse problems for selfadjoint Schrodinger operators on the half line with compactly supported potentials
Aktosun, T., Sacks, P., Unlu, M. (2015). Inverse problems for selfadjoint Schrodinger operators on the half line with compactly supported potentials. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56(2).Özet
For a selfadjoint Schrodinger operator on the half line with a real-valued, integrable, and compactly supported potential, it is investigated whether the boundary parameter at the origin and the potential can uniquely be determined by the scattering matrix or by the absolute value of the Jost function known at positive energies, without having the bound-state information. It is proved that, except in one special case where the scattering matrix has no bound states and its value is +1 at zero energy, the determination by the scattering matrix is unique. in the special case, it is shown that there are exactly two distinct sets consisting of a potential and a boundary parameter yielding the same scattering matrix, and a characterization of the nonuniqueness is provided. A reconstruction from the scattering matrix is outlined yielding all the corresponding potentials and boundary parameters. the concept of "eligible resonances" is introduced, and such resonances correspond to real-energy resonances that can be converted into bound states via a Darboux transformation without changing the compact support of the potential. It is proved that the determination of the boundary parameter and the potential by the absolute value of the Jost function is unique up to the inclusion of eligible resonances. Several equivalent characterizations are provided to determine whether a resonance is eligible or ineligible. A reconstruction from the absolute value of the Jost function is given, yielding all the corresponding potentials and boundary parameters. the results obtained are illustrated with various explicit examples. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.