Age structure and body size in three populations of Darevskia rudis (BEDRIAGA, 1886) from different altitudes
Gul, S., Ozdemir, N., Kumlutas, Y., Ilgaz, C. (2014). Age structure and body size in three populations of Darevskia rudis (BEDRIAGA, 1886) from different altitudes. Herpetozoa, 26(3-4), 151-158.Abstract
Darevskia rudis (BEDRIAGA, 1886) occupies a wide range of altitudes in the Black Sea region of Turkey. A total of 62 individuals of this lizard from three populations/locations at different altitudes (Province of Artvin: Ardanuc, 2137 m a.s.l., Borcka, 1277 m a.s.I., Cermik, 700 m a.s.I.) were studied for body size and age using skeletochronology. in both sexes, mean body size and age were smaller/lower in the highest altitude population than in the lower altitude populations. A significant positive correlation was found between age and snout-vent length in the females of the high altitude populations, however, not for Cermik females and the males of all three populations. Sexual size dimorphism was male-biased in the lowest (Cermik) population, but female-biased in the higher altitude (Borcka and Ardanuc) populations. the skeletochronological analyses revealed distinct differences in body size and age structure between low and high altitude populations of D. rudis.