Investigation of a hybrid solar and geothermal driven absorption cooling system for district applications
Coşkun, C., Oktay, Z., Dinçer, İ. (2012). Investigation of a hybrid solar and geothermal driven absorption cooling system for district applications. International Journal of Exergy, 11(2), 205-215.Abstract
In this paper, a new hybrid geothermal and solar driven absorption cooling system (ACS) is proposed for low-temperature district energy applications. Two approaches are proposed in this study, namely: (a) a new model for determining the specific entropy values of LiBr-water solution and (b) two new energetic and exergetic parameters, namely geothermal contribution index and solar contribution index. A feasibility study of incorporating a solar driven ACS into Bigadic Geothermal District Heating System is considered and investigated in this regard. Some parametric studies are conducted to highlight the importance of the present study and make a practical illustration.