Explicit formulas for exponential of 2×2 split-complex matrices
Çakır, H. & Özdemir, M. (2022). Explicit formulas for exponential of 2×2 split-complex matrices . Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics , 71 (2) , 518-532 . https://doi.org/10.31801/cfsuasmas.991894Abstract
Split-complex (hyperbolic) numbers are ordered pairs of real numbers, written in the form x + jy with j(2) - 1, used to describe the geometry of the Lorentzian plane. Since a null split-complex number does not have an inverse, some methods to calculate the exponential of complex matrices are not valid for split-complex matrices. In this paper, we examined the exponential of a 2 Chi 2 split-complex matrix in three cases : i. triangle = 0, ii. triangle not equal 0 and triangle is not null split-complex number, iii. triangle (sic) 0 and triangle is a null split-complex number where triangle = (trA)(2) - 4 det A.