Toplam kayıt 7, listelenen: 1-7

    • Cascade of Post-Kemalist norms to Kosovo 

      Tabak, Hüsrev (I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)
      In the previous chapter, I showed the substantial role of identity politics in norm mobilisation. It is, moreover, identity politics which renders possible the norm cascade. Confirming this, the emergent post-Kemalist norms ...
    • Emergence of post-kemalist norms concerning outside Turks 

      Tabak, Hüsrev (I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)
      The post-Kemalist transformation of Turkey was shown to have emerged thanks to the novel emancipatory and atavist discourses in the country that have given previously deprived groups adequate room in the economic and ...
    • Kemalist policy towards the outside Turks 

      Tabak, Hüsrev (I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)
      The peculiar adventure of the notion of Outside Turks began with the territorial shrinking of the Ottoman Empire and the remaining Turkish-speaking communities left outside of this empire before and after its collapse. In ...
    • Local responses to post-Kemalist socialisation 

      Tabak, Hüsrev (I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)
      In the previous two chapters, I traced the emergence of the post-Kemalist norms concerning Outside Turks and their diffusion to Kosovo through post-Kemalist foreign policy practices. In this chapter I elaborate the extent ...
    • Outside Turks locality in Kosovo — making of Kosovar Turks 

      Tabak, Hüsrev (I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)
      The state of being at home “abroad” began to be experienced by Turkish-speaking communities in Kosovo as early as 1913 as the Ottoman Empire suffered a huge loss in the Balkan Wars. Until the establishment of the Kingdom ...
    • Overseas implications of domestic norms 

      Tabak, Hüsrev (I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)
      The above chapters reviewed the post-Kemalist transformation in Turkey and in Turkey’s approach to “Outside Turks” communities. Since the main enquiry this book seeks to address is the impact that post-Kemalist Turkey has ...
    • Post-Kemalist policy towards the outside Turks 

      Tabak, Hüsrev (I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)
      Post-Kemalist Turkey’ has long been used to distinguish the periods before and after the death of Kemal Atatürk in various fields of research such as history, politics and even architecture (for instance see Feroze 1976, ...