Ecological, morphological, and anatomical investigation of Sorbus L. (Rosaceae) taxa distribution in Rize province (Türkiye)
Atamov, V., Aksoy, K. P., & Demir, E. (2023). Ecological, Morphological and Anatomical Investigation of Sorbus L. (Rosaceae) Taxa Distributing in Rize Province (Turkey). Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 34-54.
This research was carried out to determine the Sorbus L. species distributed within the borders of Rize province between 2011-2013 and to reveal the differences (morphological, anatomical, and ecological) between them. It was determined that four taxa belong to the genus Sorbus L. in the research area, which is located in the A8 square according to the grid system. Identified taxa, Sorbus aucuparia L., Sorbus subfusca (Ledeb) Boiss, Sorbus caucasica (Zinserl) var. Yaltırikii, Gökşin and Sorbus umbellata. var. cretica (Lindl) Schneidear. The morphological, anatomical, and ecological characteristics of these taxa, which are naturally distributed in the flora of the research area, were comparatively examined. Localities of Sorbus L. taxa distributed in the region, habitat characteristics, and species identification keys were identified. The localities of the taxa that naturally spread in the region were determined, and their maps were processed according to the GPS coordinate data.