Evaluation of the frequency and clinical features of comorbid adult separation anxiety disorder in patients with generalized anxiety disorder
Pusuroglu, M., & Hocaoglu, C. (2024). Evaluation of the frequency and clinical features of comorbid adult separation anxiety disorder in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 27(4), 293–299. https://doi.org/10.5505/kpd.2024.72368Abstract
Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the frequency and clinical features of comorbid Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder (ASAD) in patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Method: A total of 80 patients with GAD according to DSM-5 were included in the study. All patients were administered the Sociodemographic Characteristics Form, the Separation Anxiety Symptom Inventory (SASI), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and the Adult Separation Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire (ASA). Patients with GAD were grouped and compared as those with and without comorbid ASAD. Results: Of the 80 patients diagnosed with GAD, 33 (41.3%) had comorbid ASAD. Age, depressive symptom level and ASAI score were found to be significantly related to anxiety level (β=0.328, p=0.001; β=0.273, p=0.007; β= 0.284, p=0.014, respectively). When the factors affecting the anxiety level are taken into consideration, a 1-unit increase in the age variable causes an increase of 0.013 units, a 1-unit increase in the depressive symptom level causes an increase of 0.013 units, and a 1-unit increase causes an increase of 0.013 units. It was found that ASA scores caused an increase of 0.008 units. Discussion: Questioning the diagnosis of ASAD during the diagnosis and treatment process of patients with GAD may affect the course of the illness.
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