Yazar "Özdemir, Feyyaz" için listeleme
Elevated serum levels of SCUBE1, a marker for coagulation, in patients with breast cancer
Topçu, Türkan Öztürk; Kavgacı, Halil; Özdemir, Feyyaz; Aksoy, Asude; Erdem, Dilek; Mentesşe, Ahmet; Yaman, Hüseyin; Tufan, Gülnihal; Örem, Asım; Aydın, Fazıl (Tohoku Univ Medical Press, 2015)Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer among women and a major cause of death. Signal Peptide-Cub-Epidermal growth factor domain-containing protein-1 (SCUBE1) is secreted under hypoxia and inflammatory conditions ...