Yazar "Ayvaz, Muhammed Ali" için listeleme
Are downhill varices an overlooked entity of upper gastrointestinal bleedings?
Ayvaz, Muhammed Ali; Rakıcı, Halil; Allescher, Hans-Dieter (Hindawi Ltd, 2018)Aim. Downhill varices are not so safe as thought and can lead to life-threating or mortal bleeding complication, even if rare. in order to draw attention to this topic, we analysed 129 patients. Materials and Methods. We ... -
Gastroscopic and transabdominal ultrasonographic evaluation of the gastroesophageal junction in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease
Köroğlu, Mehmet; Ayvaz, Muhammed Ali; Çeliker, Fatma Beyazal (Wiley, 2025)Background Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common disease in the population. GERD is classified into two categories: nonerosive reflux disease (NERD) and erosive reflux disease (ERD). The aim of this study is ... -
Helicobacter pylori can be related to carotid intima-media thickness, epicardial adipose tissue thickness and serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) levels
Karadağ, Zilan; Şehitoğlu, İbrahim; Cüre, Medine Cumhur; Rakıcı, Halil; Ayvaz, Muhammed Ali; Bedir, Recep; Kızılkaya, Bayram; Şahin, Osman Zikrullah; Cüre, Erdem (Comenius Univ, 2018)BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori (HP) affects the cardiovascular system. Our aim in this study was to evaluate, whether an infection with HP causes subclinical atherosclerosis. METHODS: We included 90 patients with dyspeptic ... -
Hepatit B yüzey antijeni (Hbsag) negatif, hepatit B yüzey antikoru (AntiHbs) pozitif hastada rituximab tedavisi sonrasında Hbv reaktivasyonu sonucunda gelişen akut karaciğer yetersizliği
İmmünsupresif tedavi sonrası gelişen hepatit Breaktivasyonu, yarattığı olumsuz sonuçlar nedeniyle sonyıllarda güncellik kazanmıştır. Profilaktik tedavinin,yüksek riskli bazı gruplarda hayat kurtarıcı olmasınedeni ile, ... -
Mide çıkış obstrüksyonuna yol açan i̇nflamatuvar fibroid polip gastroenteroloji
Inflamatuvar fibroid polipler genellikle midede bulunur,ancak gastrointestinal sistemin her yerinde debulunabilir. Onların yaygınlığı çoğunlukla altıncı veyedinci dekaddadır. Bizim olgumuzda olduğu gibi,kadınlardainflama ... -
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding is beneficial in patients with advanced dementia
Rakıcı, Halil; Ayvaz, Muhammed Ali (H E C Press, Healthy Eating Club Pty Ltd, 2019)Background and Objectives: We aimed to show the long-term results of patients who received percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes and to evaluate the usefulness of this method in advanced dementia patients, which ...