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dc.contributor.authorŞanlıer Uçak, Şengül
dc.contributor.authorÇelik Maşalacı, Burcu
dc.identifier.citationŞanlıer Uçak, Ş., & Çelik Maşalacı, B. (2025). An in-depth study of factors influencing retention and career paths of Turkish seafarers in the profession. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 59, 101299.
dc.description.abstractThis research comprehensively explored the elements affecting the career retention of trained Turkish seafarers as oceangoing watch-keeping officers, using a survey-based approach to include perspectives from both individuals actively employed on vessels and those who transferred to shore-based positions. This study aims to reveal the motivation and demotivation factors for seafarers by using a thematic analysis method that follows a six-step process by Braun and Clarke. Data collection was conducted through a semi-structured questionnaire, which was distributed to graduates via SMS, email, and social media platforms. This analysis reveals the following: Seafarers are primarily motivated by various themes including financial income, passion for the sea/professional, respect/professional reputation, opportunity to see the world/knowing different cultures and social rights. Family, professional, psycho-social, and financial reasons were identified as demotivation themes leading to leaving the sea. It has been observed that seafarers, whose average age is only 28.5, criticise their profession using serious expressions and intend to leave the maritime industry within 1 to 5 years. Considering the criticisms of seafarers, comprehensive policy arrangements have been proposed to improve the sources of motivation and reduce demotivation themes in order to ensure professional continuity in the industry. The findings underline the need for authorities and policymakers in the maritime industry to take new steps to increase seafarers' job satisfaction and the sustainability of their careers at sea.en_US
dc.subjectCareer pathen_US
dc.subjectDemotivation factorsen_US
dc.subjectMotivation factorsen_US
dc.titleAn in-depth study of factors influencing retention and career paths of Turkish seafarers in the professionen_US
dc.contributor.departmentRTEÜ, Turgut Kıran Denizcilik Fakültesi, Deniz Ulaştırma İşletme Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorŞanlıer Uçak, Şengül
dc.contributor.institutionauthorÇelik Maşalacı, Burcu
dc.relation.journalResearch in Transportation Business and Managementen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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