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dc.contributor.authorDal, Özgür
dc.contributor.authorGökdemir Işık, Nurser
dc.contributor.authorÖztürk, Orkun Burak
dc.identifier.citationDAL, Ö., GÖKDEMİR IŞIK, N., & ÖZTÜRK, O. B. (2025). Analysis of the human factors leading to bridge deficiencies in the context of the Paris mou for bulk carriers. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs, 1–13.
dc.description.abstractAccording to world trade data, shipping is the preferred mode of transport in terms of cargo transportation. Ships transport cargo safely from one place to another within the frame work of international regulations. In accordance with the outlined regulations, countries are entitled to conduct inspections of vessels arriving in their ports under the agreements. This study aims to reveal the human factors that cause bridge-based deficiencies in terms of safety of navigation on bulk carriers under Paris Mou inspections. In this respect, the inspections carried out within the framework of the Paris agreement were analysed with a focus on the bridge. The bridge deficiencies of bulk carriers were investigated using the annual reports of the Paris agreement and the data of the 20 most frequent deficiencies. The Delphi method was used to determine the factors that cause these deficiencies in terms of safety of navigation. The Delphi method revealed that experts reached a consensus on several key factors contributing to deficiencies in navigational safety, including lack of motivation, ability, knowledge, familiarity, general awareness, experience, company circulars, excessive workload, fatigue, and stress. However, no consensus was reached regarding the factor of indifference.en_US
dc.publisherTaylor & Francis Groupen_US
dc.subjectBridge deficiencyen_US
dc.subjectBulk carrieren_US
dc.subjectParis Memorandumen_US
dc.subjectSafety of navigationen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of the human factors leading to bridge deficiencies in the context of the Paris mou for bulk carriersen_US
dc.contributor.departmentRTEÜ, Turgut Kıran Denizcilik Fakültesi, Deniz Ulaştırma İşletme Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorDal, Özgür
dc.contributor.institutionauthorÖztürk, Orkun Burak
dc.relation.journalAustralian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairsen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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