The effect of daylight saving time options on electricity consumption of Turkey
Karasu, S. (2010). The effect of daylight saving time options on electricity consumption of Turkey. Energy, 35(9), 3773-3782.Özet
Most of the developed countries in the world use Daylight Saving Time (DST) as an energy conservation method. This study focuses on the effects of DST on electrical lighting in the buildings in Turkey. Turkey might adjust its daylight saving time to decrease energy consumption. For this purpose, five scenarios are considered and compared to status quo. The scenario with a 30-minute forward shift to single DST from April to October, stands out as the best solution to conserve electricity across the entire country. The results of the study show that maximum saving is obtained in this scenario by at least 0.7% on the consumption of lighting electricity. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.