Development and situation of trout culture in turkey
Canyurt, M.A. & Akhan, S. (2009). Development and situation of trout culture in Turkey. Research for Rural Development, 90-94.Abstract
The production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is developing and it is most cultured finfish species in Turkey. It was first introduced in Turkey in the mid 1970s from Italy. In the following years, culture studies of native trout strains, mainly Black Sea trout; Salmo trutta labrax and Abant Lake trout, Salmo trutta abanticus started in late 1990. Market size trout production was performed in two main categories, inland areas (mainly concrete ponds by flow through fresh water and cages) and in sea (offshore cages). Total tout production was 61.173 tons in 2007.