Intracranial chronic subdural hematoma occurring six months after spinal anaesthesia: a case report
Kayaci, S., Koksal, V., Kirbas, S., Tomak, Y., Ozveren, M.F. (2013). Intracranial chronic subdural hematoma occurring six months after spinal anaesthesia: a case report. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish), 30(4), 796-800.Özet
İntrakranial kronik subdural hematomlar spinal anestezinin nadir görülen komplikasyonudur. Bu yazıda spinal anestezi ile ve sezaryenle doğum yapan 32 yaşındaki bir bayanda doğumdan 6 ay sonra gelişen bir cSDH olgusu sunuluyor. Hasta doğumdan altı ay sonra hastaneye konservatif tedavilere yanıt vermeyen başağrısı yakınması ile başvurdu. Nörolojik muayenesi normal idi.BBT ve MRG de sol frontoparietalde, sağa şift yapan belirgin subdural hematom saptandı.Travma öyküsü yoktu. Koagulasyon testleri ve MRG- angio normal idi.Hasta burr- hole kraniostomi ve kapalı drenaj ile tedavi edildi. Intracranial subdural hematomas are rare complications of spinal anesthesia. This paper is a case report of a chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH) developing in a 32-year-old female six months after giving birth by cesarean section using spinal anesthesia. The patient came to the hospital six months after giving birth, complaining of a headache that did not respond to conservative treatments. Her neurological examination was normal. In the computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on the left frontoparietal that were performed a prominent subdural hematoma shifting to the right was found. There was no history of trauma. The coagulation tests and MR-angiogram were normal. The patient was treated with burr-hole craniotomy and closed drainage.