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dc.contributor.authorYazıcı, Ebru
dc.description.abstractBu çalışmada karbonhidrat ve protein içeriği bakımından dengesiz ve farklı karbonhidrat içeren yapay diyetlerle beslenen Ephestia kuehniella larvalarının bağışıklık sistemi ve gelişiminde meydana gelen besin etkenli değişiklikler araştırılmıştır. Gıdaca dengesiz ve farklı karbonhidrat içeren A (P:K), F (P:K arabinoz) 10 adet besin hazırlanmıştır. A(1K:1P), B (3K:1P), C (5K:1P), D (1K:3P), E (1K:5P), F (1K:1P ara), G (3K:1P ara), H (5K:1P ara), I (1K:3P ara), K (1K:5P ara) besinleri ile beslenme deneyleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre en fazla besin tüketimi D besini ile beslenen larvalarda, en az tüketim ise G besini ile beslenen larvalarda görülmüştür. En yüksek kuru pupa ağırlığı I besini ile beslenen larvalarda; en az kuru pupa ağırlığı ise B ve E besini ile beslenen larvalarda görülmüştür. En yüksek pupa lipit miktarı I besini ile beslenen larvalarda en düşük pupa lipit miktarı ise E besini ile beslenen larvalarda görülmüştür. En yüksek pupa protein miktarı D ve C besinleri ile beslenen larvalarda en düşük pupa protein miktarı ise 1K:5P besini ile beslenen larvalarda görülmüştür. En fazla miktarda arabinoz ihtiva eden H besininde beslenen larvalar pupa safhasına ulaşamamışlardır. En yüksek PO aktivitesi G besini ile beslenen larvalarda en düşük PO aktivitesi ise D besini ile beslenen larvalarda görülmüştür. Hem arabinoz hem de sükroz ihtiva eden besinlerde pupa kuru ağırlığı, pupa lipit ve pupa protein miktarı ile PO aktivitesi arasında negatif bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir In this study, the food-induced changes in the immune system and development the larvae of ephestia kuehniealla that rear on artificial foods which contains different carbonhydrates and unbalanced in terms of the content of carbonhydrate and protein were investigated. 10 unbalanced food contains different carbonhydrate (P:C), (P:C arabinose) were prepared. The feeding experiments were done with 3K:1P, 5K:1P, 1K:3P, 1K:5P, 1K:1P ara, 3K:1P ara, 5K:1P ara, 1K:3P ara, 1K:5P ara foods. According to the obtained results, the maximum food consumption was obtained by the larvae feeding on 1C:3P foods while the minimum food consumption was obtained by the larvae feeding on 3C:1P (Ara) food. The maximum dry pupal weight was obtained by larvae feeding on 1C:3P (Ara) food while the minimum dry pupal weight was obtained by larvae feeding on 3C:1P and 1C:5P foods. The amount of maximum pupal lipid was observed in the larvae feeding on 1C:3P (Ara) and the amount of minimum pupal lipid was observed in the larvae feeding on 1K:5P food. The amount of pupa protein was the highest in the larvae feeding on 1C:3P and 5C:1P foods while the amount of pupal protein was in the minimal level in the larvae feeding on 1C:5P food. The larvae that fed on the H foof that contains the most amount of arabinose couldnt reach the pup phose. The maximum PO activity was determined in the larvae feeding on 3K:1P (Ara) food while the minimum PO activity was in the larvae feeding on 1C: 3P food. A negative correlation was determined among pup weight, pup lipid and pup protein with PO activity in the foods that contains both arabinose and sucrose.en_US
dc.publisherRecep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Biyoloji Anabilim Dalıen_US
dc.subjectEphestia kuehniellaen_US
dc.subjectEphestia kuehniellaen_US
dc.titleEphestia kuehniella Zell. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvalarının bağışıklık yeteneğinde ve gelişimlerinde farklı karbonhidratlar içeren gıdalar bakımından dengesiz besinlerin etkisien_US
dc.title.alternativeThe effect of imbalance diet containing different carbohydrates on the immunocompetence and the development of Ephestia kuehniella Zell. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvaeen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorYazıcı, Ebru

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