dc.description.abstract | Bu çalışmada karbonhidrat ve protein içerikleri bakımından dengesiz yapay besinlerle beslenen Agelastica alni larvalarının bağışıklık sistemi ve gelişiminde meydana gelen besin etkenli değişiklikler araştırılmıştır. Farklı oranlarda protein ve karbonhidrat (P:K) içeren 8 adet besin hazırlanmıştır. 1P:1K, 2P:1K, 1P:0,5K, 1P:3K, 1P:5K, 0,5P:1K, 3P:1K, 5P:1K besinleri ile beslenme deneyleri yürütülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, en fazla besin tüketimi 2P:1K ve 1P:0,5K besinleri ile beslenen larvalarda, en az tüketim ise 1P:3K ve 1P:5K besinleri ile beslenen larvalarda görülmüştür. En yüksek kuru pup ağırlığı 0,5P:1K besini ile en düşük ise 3P:1K besini ile beslenen larvalarda belirlenmiştir. En az pup lipit miktarı 1P:0,5K ve 1P:3K besinleri ile en fazla pup lipit miktarı ise 1P:5K ve 0,5P:1K besinleri ile beslenen larvalarda görülmüştür. Pup protein miktarının en az 3P:1K besini ile en fazla protein ise 5P:1K besini ile beslenen larvalarda olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 1P:0,5K ve 5P:1K besinleriyle beslenen larvaların PO aktiviteleri diğer besinlerle kıyasladığımızda belirgin derece de farklılık göstermektedir.In this study, food-induced changes in the immune system and development of Agelastica alni larvae that reared on unbalance artificial foods were examined. 8 Artificial diets having different protein and carbohydrate ratios were prepared to feed the larvae. The feeding experiments were carried out with 1P:1C; 2P:1C; 1P:0.5C; 1P:3C; 1P:5C; 0,5P:1C; 3P:1C; 5P:1C foods. According to results, the maximum food consumptions were obtained by the larvae feeding on 2P:1C ve 1P:0.5C foods. The minimum food consumptions were obtained by the larvae feeding on 1P:3C and 1P:5C foods. The maximum dry pupal weights were obtained by larvae feeding on 0.5P:1C food and the minimum dry pupals weights were obtained by the larvae feeding on 3P:1C food. The minimum pupal lipid contents were measured in the larvae feeding on 1P:0.5C and 1P:3C foods and the maximum pupal lipid contents were obtained in the larvae feeding on 1P:5C and 0.5P:1C foods. The pupal protein contents were the highest in the larvae which were reared on 5P:1C food. The pupal protein contents were in the minimal level in the larvae which were reared on 3P:1C food. PO activity of the larvae which were reared on 1P:0.5C and 5P:1C and were different from the others. | en_US |