Güncel Gönderiler: SUF, Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği Bölümü Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 160, listelenen: 61-80
Anesthetic efficacy of clove oil and 2-phenoxyethanol as hematological, histopathological and echocardiographic on broodstock Danube sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)
(Wiley, 2022)Sturgeon broodstock management includes unavoidable handling and surgery procedures such as biopsy, endoscopy, laparotomy, oviduct incision inducing stress response. Clove oil and 2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE) are anesthetics ... -
The using potential of a new natural anesthetic agent on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Chamomile oil (Matricaria chamomilla)
(Elsevier, 2022)One of the management problems in aquaculture is the negative impact of operational factors on fish health and welfare. In order not to adversely affect fish welfare, various anesthetic agents are applied in routine ... -
Effects of ceramic balls on trout welfare during their live transfer conditions
(Ege Üniversitesi, 2022)The effects of ceramic balls on live transfer conditions of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, (Walbaum,1792)) were determined by examining ammonia, pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature of water and gill histology of ... -
Ligula intestinalis infection in a native Leuciscid hybrid (Alburnus derjugini x Squalius orientalis) in the Kurtun Dam Lake, Northeast Anatolia
(Sciendo, 2022)Taxonomic evaluations are needed to accurately determine the host selection of fish parasites. The present study is a multidisciplinary research in the field of basic and fish diseases sciences. The description of the ... -
Operating parameters affecting biofloc technology: carbon source, carbon/nitrogen ratio, feeding regime, stocking density, salinity, aeration, and microbial community manipulation
(Springer, 2021)The world population continues to increase day by day. Therefore, aquaculture needs to grow in order to response the need for protein foods and to cope with the problem of scarcity. However, this enlargement should require ... -
Effects of stocking density during live transportation on haematological parameters of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii, Brandt, 1869)
(Wiley, 2021)In this study, we investigated the effects of different stocking densities water quality and blood parameters during the transportation of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii). Experiments were carried out in high-density ... -
Acute toxicity of pozzolanic cement on two crustacean species, water flea (Daphnia magna) and gammarus komareki
(Springer, 2021)This study was conducted to determining the values of LC50, mortality rates and DNA damages (Daphnia magna) of species exposed to pozzolanic cement concentrations of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 mg/L for 24 h. To compare ... -
Gastric evacuation rates of jewelfish hemichromis bimaculatus: Effects of temperature, meal and fish sizes
(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2021)The results of gastric evacuation rate (GER) experiments can be used to estimate the stomach fullness in ornamental fish at a postprandial time, which will avoid their over- and under-feeding. The influences of fish size ... -
Vibrio vulnificus infection in horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) and its characteristic symptoms: An experimental study
(EAFP - European Association of Fish Pathologists, 2021)In the present study, the mortality and characteristic symptoms (bilateral exophthalmia and skin lesions) associated with Vibrio vulnificus infection in horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) are presented from an ... -
Are cloth tarpaulin mounted nets effective for discard reduction in trammel nets?
(Central Fisheries Research Institute, 2021)Discarding is a significant problem due to net damage and labour loss in trammel net fisheries. In this study, the effects of 15, 25, and 35 cm high cloth tarpaulin rigged between the lead line and the net were investigated ... -
Effects of phytase enzyme supplementation to hazelnut meal based diets on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brand, 1869)
(Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 2021)This research was carried out to determine that the effects of diets containing 30% hazelnut meal and different proportions of phytase enzymes on the growth performance of Siberian sturgeon ( Acipenser baerii) (initial ... -
Effects of feed rations containing egg powder in different proportions on growth performance, feed utilization, body composition and survival rate of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) fry
(Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, 2021)This study aims to determine the appropriate egg powder ratio that can be substituted into the fish meal to close the protein deficit without adversely affecting the development performance of rainbow trout fry (Oncorhynchus ... -
Parasites on different ornamental fish species in Turkey
(2013)Türkiye'nin Değişik Süs Balık Türlerindeki Parazitler Türkiye'de 2009 ve 2010 yılları arasında farklı akvaryum balık türleri, (Astronotus ocellatus, astronot ya da oscar (n=3), Carassius auratus, japon (n=11), Symphsodon ... -
The physicochemical property of the extruded trout feeds of the leading domestic manufacturer in Turkey
(2016)Türkiye'de iki öncü üretici firma BioAqua (Çamlı yem, Yaşar Holding) ve Blueaq (Abalıoğlu Yem) tarafından üretilen alabalık yemlerinin fiziksel özellikleri (pelet boyutu, batma hızı, sertlik ve dayanım, tozlanma ve su ... -
Joseph J. Kaminski, The contemporary islamic governed state: A reconceptualization, palgrave macmillan, 2018, 331 s.
(2019)Siyaset bilimci Joseph J. Kaminski 2017’de The Contemporary Islamic Governed State: A Reconceptualization başlıklı bir kitap yayımladı. Kitap, İslam siyaset düşüncesinin geleneksel ve çağdaş boyutlarından modern siyaset ... -
Transgenik balıklar: Fayda ve riskleri
(2008)Yüzyılın son 20 yılında genetik mühendisliği alanında kaydedilen gelişmeler ve bu tekniklerin bakteriden sonra gelişmiş organizmalar ve balıklara da uygulanması sonucu transgenik balıklar önemli bir hal almıştır. Genetik ... -
Analysis of fish health status in terms of sustainability of aquaculture in Turkey-A SWOT analysis
(2019)The sustainability of activities for the production of food or other industrial products in natural areas all over the world is perhaps one of the most important problems. In order to ensure sustainability in the aquaculture ... -
Seasonal discards and by-catch of striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) (Mollusca, Bivalves) fishery in the black sea
(2012)Karadeniz’in Türkiye kıyılarında beyaz kum midyesi, Chamelea gallina, avcılığı yapan hidrolik direç donanımlı teknelerin mevsimsel ıskarta ve hedef dışı av miktarları tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada kullanılan veriler ... -
Effects of the feeds containing hazelnut meal as plant protein source on growth performance and body composition of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) and economic profitability value
(2019)In this study, the effects of feeding with the diets containing hazelnut meal (HM) at different levels (0%, 15%, 30%, and 45%) on the growth performance and body composition of Siberian sturgeon were investigated. The study ...