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dc.contributor.authorKarslı, Nurver
dc.contributor.authorYurdakul, Zehra
dc.contributor.authorGonca, Merve
dc.contributor.authorÇava, Kutay
dc.identifier.citationKARSLI, N., YURDAKUL, Z., GONCA, M., & ÇAVA, K. (2023). Does the traditional or digital dental model measurement method affect the results?: A validation study. European Annals of Dental Sciences., 50(2), 87-94.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy, reliability and reproducibility of measurements made on digital models obtained using OrthoAnalyzer (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark) and Materialize 3-matic (MIMICS ®, Leuven, Belgium) software by comparing them with measurements made on dental plaster models. The teeth of 50 individuals were measured and plaster models were obtained. In addition, digital images were obtained from the patients with Trios intraoral scanner. A total of 30 linear measurements were made using OrthoAnalyzer and Materialize 3-matic software, including the mesiodistal width of the teeth, arch perimeter, intercanine and intermolar distances. All measurements were made by two different examiners. For the first and second measurements of the first examiner, intraexaminer reliability was calculated using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs), two-way mixed model, consistency type. The largest mean difference between Materialize 3-matic and caliper measurements was -0.136 mm in maxillary right first premolar and maxillary left lateral incisor. The smallest mean difference was -0.0029 mm in the mandibular left lateral incisor. In transverse measurements, the largest mean difference was found in the upper intercanine distance of 0.117 mm, and the smallest mean difference was -0.0086 mm in the upper intermolar distance. The largest mean difference between OrthoAnalyzer and caliper measurements was 0.107 mm in the maxillary right lateral incisor, and the smallest mean difference was -0.0049 mm in the maxillary left lateral incisor. Linear distance measurements with three-dimensional digital models are a valid, reliable and reproducible method compared to plaster models.en_US
dc.publisherAnkara Üniversitesi - Diş Hekimliği Fakültesien_US
dc.subject3D scanneren_US
dc.subjectDigital modelsen_US
dc.titleDoes the traditional or digital dental model measurement method affect the results?: A validation studyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentRTEÜ, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Klinik Bilimler Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorGonca, Merve
dc.relation.journalEuropean annals of dental sciences (Online)en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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