Browsing by Author "Baykal, Hüseyin"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Başhemşin (Çamlıhemşin/Rize)'in florası, fitososyolojisi ve etnobotanik özellikleri
Baykal, Hüseyin (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi / Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, 2015)Bu çalışmada, Başhemşin (Çamlıhemşin/Rize) ve çevresinin florası, fitososyolojisi ve etnobotanik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. 74 familya ve 260 cinse ait 36'sı endemik toplam 518 tür ve türaltı takson tespit edilmiştir. ... -
Bayburt ili Yoncalı köyü merasının mera durumunun belirlenmesi
Bakoğlu, Adil; Çatal, Muhammed İkbal; Baykal, Hüseyin (Eurasscience Journals, 2022)Bu çalışma, Bayburt ilinin merkez ilçesine bağlı Yoncalı köyü mera alanında 2019 yılı içerisinde yapılmıştır. Çalışma yapılan mera alanının; toprağı kaplama oranı, botanik kompozisyonu, mera kalite derecesi ve mera durumu ... -
Determination of shape in fruits of cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) accessions by using elliptic fourier analysis
Sayıncı, Bahadır; Ercişli, Sezai; Akbulut, Mustafa; Şavşatlı, Yusuf; Baykal, Hüseyin (Wydawnictwo Akad Rolniczej W Lublinie, 2015)Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) is an important wild edible fruits naturally grown in black sea region in Turkey. Shape attributes of twenty-one cherry laurel accessions were determined both descriptively and based on ... -
Effect of ethyl acetate extract of usnea longissima on esophagogastric adenocarcinoma in rats
Mammadov, Renad; Süleyman, Bahadır; Altuner, Durdu; Demirci, Elif; Çetin, Nihal; Yılmaz, Adnan; Baykal, Hüseyin; Alpcan, Hilal; Turumtay, Emine Akyüz; Süleyman, Halis (Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2019)Purpose: To investigate the effects of the EtOAc extract of U. longissima which is uninvestigated previously on esophagogastric cancer induced in rats with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidin (MNNG). Methods: the anticancer ... -
Effects of Hypericum perforatum and Hippophae rhamnoides extracts on indomethacin-induced gastric oxidative stress in rats
Turan, Mehmet İbrahim; Bilen, Habib; Demiryılmaz, İsmail; Özgeriş, Fatma Betül; Baykal, Hüseyin; Türkoğlu, Murat; Süleyman, Halis (Allied Acad, 2013)We investigate the effects of Hypericum perforatum (HP) and Hippophae rhamnoides (HR) extracts on indomethacin-induced gastric injury. Rats were divided into five groups each containing 10 animals. the first group received ... -
Ethnobotanical documentation of plants of bashemsin valley, Kackar mountains national park, Rize, Turkey
Baykal, Hüseyin; Atamov, Vagif (Bangladesh Botanical Soc, 2017)Ethnobotanical uses of 58 vascular plant species belonging to 24 families have been documented from Bashemsin valley of Kackar Mountains National Park in Rize, Turkey. the villagers used to use these plants traditionally ... -
Flora of Akyamaç Waterfall natural park and environs (Rize/Turkey)
Baykal, Hüseyin (2019)The purpose of the study is to determine the vascular flora of Akyamaç Waterfall Natural Park, a protected area in Rize, Turkey. During the years 2016-2017, 970 plant materials were collected through comprehensive surveys. ... -
Flora of Tunca Valley Natural Park and environs (Ardeşen-Rize/Turkey)
Baykal, Hüseyin; Atamov, Vagif; Yüksek, Turan (2018)The aim of the study is to determine the flora of Tunca Valley Natural Park and environs (Ardeşen, Rize, Turkey). During the years 2016-2017, 1756 plant specimens were collected through comprehensive surveys. 408 taxa ... -
Floristic diversity in bashemsin valley of Kackar Mountains National Park of Rize, Turkey
Baykal, Hüseyin; Atamov, Vagif (Pakistan Botanical Soc, 2016)The floristical structure of Basheinsin and its environs as a protected and isolated area within Kackar Mountains National Park, situated in Rize, a province in the Blacksea region of Turkey, is studied. 1830 plant specimens ... -
Gram (-) microorganisms DNA polymerase inhibition, antibacterial and chemical properties of fruit and leaf extracts of Sorbus acuparia and Sorbus caucasica var. yaltirikii
Turumtay, Halbay; Midilli, Ahmet; Turumtay, Emine Akyüz; Demir, Adem; Selvi, Emine Kılıçkaya; Budak, Emine Esra; Er, Havva; Kocaimamoğlu, Fatih; Baykal, Hüseyin; Beldüz, Ali Osman; Atamov, Vagif; Sandallı, Cemal (Wiley, 2017)Investigation of novel plant-based agents might provide alternative antibiotics and thus fight antibiotic resistance. Here, we measured the ability of fruit and leaf extracts of Sorbus aucuparia (Sauc) and endemic Sorbus ... -
Handüzü Yaylasının Botanik Kompozisyonu Üzerine Bir Çalışma
2018 yılında yapılan bu çalışmada, Lup metodu kullanılarak Rize ili Güneysu ilçesine bağlı Handüzü yaylasının bazı vejetasyon özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada toprağı kaplama ve botanik kompozisyon oranları ve mera ... -
Legiş yaylasının (İkizdere-RİZE) botanik kompozisyonunun belirlenmesi
Baykal, Hüseyin; Bakoğlu, Adil; Çatal, Muhammed İkbal (Eurasscience Journals, 2021)Bu çalışma, Rize ili İkizdere ilçesi Legiş yaylası merasında 2019 yılı içerisinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada meranın toprağı kaplama oranı, botanik kompozisyonu, mera kalite derecesi ve mera durumu karakterleri in ... -
M-MLV reverse transcriptase was strongly inhibited by essential oil extract of paeonia daurica subsp. macrophylla
Demir, Adem; Turumtay, Halbay; Sandallı, Aytül; Baykal, Hüseyin; Atamov, Vagif; Sandallı, Cemal; Turumtay, Emine Akyüz (Parlar Scientific Publications, 2021)Paconia species arc known for their rich chemical content and their compounds exhibit different medicinal properties. In this study, we firtly investigated the essential oil (EO) content of the root, scape, fruit and fruit ... -
Morphological features and examination of Colchicum speciosum distributed in the Basyayla plateau, Turkey
Var, Mustafa; Dinçer, Dilek; Baykal, Hüseyin (Int Soc Horticultural Science, 2016)Colchicum speciosum, a naturally-occurring species in Turkey, belongs to the genus Colchicum and family Liliaceae. Known locally as "Diingeri', "Vargit", "Acicikdem", it colours the upland meadows when blooming in autumn. ... -
Phenological features of some geophytes from the Anzer plateau in Rize and utilization possibilities for landscape architecture
Dinçer, Dilek; Var, Mustafa; Baykal, Hüseyin; Atamov, Vagif (Int Soc Horticultural Science, 2016)Rize has a lot of plateaus which due to traditional life have partly been extinguished. the spectacular Anzer plateau with its rich flora and fauna is located 35 km south-west of the Ikizdere district and 54 km from the ... -
Zorkal Yaylasının (İkizdere-RİZE) mera özellikleri ve botanik kompozisyonun belirlenmesi
Bu çalışma Rize ili İkizdere ilçesi Zorkal yaylası merasında 2019 yılı içerisinde gerçekleştirilmiştir.Çalışmada meranın toprağı kaplama oranı, botanik kompozisyonu, mera kalite derecesi ve mera durumukarakterleri ...