Hay b. Yakzan ve Robinson Crusoe adlı eserlerin tarihsel fenomenolojik açıdan incelenmesi
Soylemez, I. (2021). Hay b. Yakzan ve Robinson Crusoe adlı eserlerin tarihsel fenomenolojik açıdan incelenmesi. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi , 56, 207-231. https://doi.org/10.29288/ilted.995972Özet
To understand a religious tradition, it is very important to know the socio-cultural accumulation of the community, which has that religious tradition, such as folklore, mythology, literature, and art. This is because ethnological data are used to understand and interpret the actions, mutual relations, belief systems, religious societies and institutions, rituals and customs of religious people or people with a religious tradition. In the light of these data, literary works that mirror the society in particular reflect the human understanding and worldview of their civilizations in a sense by revealing the quality of their relations with their individuals, society, culture and Creator. In this study, it is aimed to make a historical phenomenological comparison of two different worlds, namely the worldviews and cultures hidden behind these two literary texts by evaluating the perspectives of eastern and western cultures on human, society and socio-cultural life, which are revealed within the framework of Hayy and Robinson models.