Yayın tarihi için WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu listeleme
Toplam kayıt 5260, listelenen: 1-20
Synthesis of 4-Amino-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5-ones and their Isatin-3-imine Derivatives
(MDPI, ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, 2005)Iminoester hidroklorürler 1 sentezlenmiştir. Bu bileşikler daha sonra ester etoksikarbonil hidrazonlar 2'ye dönüştürüldü ve bunlardan sırasıyla yeni bir ikame edilmiş 4-amino-4,5-dihidro-lH-1,2,4-triazol-5-onlar, 3 serisi ... -
A research on the sensitivity of European chub to some pesticides
(2006)The aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of European chub (Leuciscus cephalus, Linnaeus, 1758), a natural freshwater fish species, to a synthetic pyrethroid (deltamethrin), a carbamate insecticide (carbaryl), ... -
Horizontol dissemination of tem- and SHV-type Beta-Lactamase genes carrying resistance Plasmids amongst clinical isolates of enterobacteriaceae
(Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2008)Genişletilmiş spektrumlu beta-laktamaz (ESBL) üreten bakteriler, dünya çapında artan sıklıkta izole edilmiştir. ESBL'nin ifadesi genellikle çoklu ilaç direnci ve direnç plazmidleri tarafından yayılma ile ilişkilidir. 2000 ... -
Effect of Transport Current on the Pinning Induced Magnetostriction of Type-II Superconductors
(Polish Acad Sciences Inst Physics, 2008)Teorik olarak taşıma akımının ve uygulanan manyetik alanın tip-II süperiletkenlerin manyetostriksiyonu üzerindeki etkisini araştırdık. Bir süperiletken levha örneğinin manyetostriktif tepkisini incelemek için, mevcut ... -
Horizontol dissemination of TEM- and SHV-type beta-lactamase genes-carrying resistance plasmids amongst clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae
(SOC BRASILEIRA MICROBIOLOGIA, AV PROF LINEU PRESTES, 1374, 05508 SAO PAULO, BREZİLYA, 2008)The extended-spectrum ?-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria have been isolated at increasing frequency worldwide. Expression of ESBL is often associated with multidrug resistance and dissemination by resistance plasmids. ... -
Effect of transport current on the pinning induced magnetostriction of type-II superconductors
(Polish Academy of Sciences, 2008)We investigated theoretically the influence of the transport current and applied magnetic field on the magnetostriction of type-II superconductors. In order to study the magnetostrictive response of a superconducting slab ... -
Intrathoracic pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis associated with Bochdalek hernia and lung hypoplasia
(European Journal of Cardio-thoracic ; OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 ABD, 2009)[Özet Yok] -
Synthesis, characterization and cyclization reactions of some new bisthiosemicarbazones
(Arkat, 2009)The reaction of trans-1, 4-dichloro-2-butene 1 with selected phenols affords (E)-1, 4-bis(aryloxy)-2-butenes 2a-d which are converted into bis-thiosemicarbazones 3a-h via the reactions with thiosemicarbazide and 4-methyl ... -
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Centaurea appendicigera and Centaurea helenioides
(Taylor & Francis LTD., 2009)The chemical components and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils from Centaurea appendicigera C. Koch and Centaurea helenioides Boiss, two different endemic members of the genus Centaurea L. (Asteraceae), were ... -
Improvement of superconducting properties of MgB2 by changing the argon ambient pressure and sintering conditions
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2009)We have investigated various characteristic properties depending on sintering conditions of MgB2 samples prepared by the standard solid state reaction method. It is inferred from experimental results that the crystallinity ... -
Biological characteristics of rock goby, Gobius paganellus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Gobiidae), in the south-eastern Black sea
(0-Belirlenecek, 2009)Background. Gobius paganellus L. is one of the most common gobiid fish in the south-eastern Black Sea. The aim of present study is to provide information on age structure and growth, length at sexual maturity, annual cycle ... -
Age, growth, sexual maturity and food composition of Sciaena umbra in the south-eastern Black Sea, Turkey
(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2009)Studied were the age, growth, maturity and food composition of the brown meager, Sciaena umbra, caught off Trabzon, south-eastern Black Sea (Turkey) in 2002-2003. A total of 329 individuals was collected by spear fishing ... -
Haptic's suitability to constructivist learning environment: aspects of teachers and teacher candidates
(Elsevier Science BV., 2009)Until today many technologies are used in constructivist learning environments. As for this study, it is tried to reveal haptic's suitability to constructivist education environments together with aspects of 6 teachers and ... -
Usability of testing apparatuses about renewable energy resources in constructivist class environment
(Elsevier Science BV., 2009)Students construct their own knowledge based on their experiences which take part in the basis of constructivism. For that reason, curriculums which are prepared according to constructivist approach should contain activities ... -
Intrathoracic pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis associated with Bochdalek hernia and lung hypoplasia
(Oxford Univercity Press, 2009)[No abstract available] -
Biological characteristics of rock goby, gobius paganellus (actinopterygii : perciformes : gobiidae), in the south-eastern Black Sea
(Wydawnictwo Akad Rolniczej W Szczecinie, 2009)Background. Gobius paganellus L. is one of the most common gobiid fish in the south-eastern Black Sea. The aim of present study is to provide information on age structure and growth, length at sexual maturity, annual cycle ... -
Vacancy transfer probabilities from K to L shell for low atomic number elements at 5.96 keV
(Polish Academy of Sciences, 2010)Vacancy transfer probabilities from K to L shell were measured using I K?/IK? intensity ratios for six elements in the atomic region 16 ? Z ? 22. The K X-rays from the targets excited by 5.96 keV (1.85 GBq 55Fe filtered ... -
A review on population characteristics of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus auratd)
(Medwell Online, 2010)S. aurata is a marine fish living along the Atlantic coasts of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. It is an important food species, so that its production reached 128,943 t in the European aquaculture in 2008. However, little ... -
Effects of selection for body weight and egg production on egg quality traits in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) of different lines and relationships between these traits
(2010)Bu çalışma, 11 generasyon boyunca seleksiyon uygulanmış Japon bıldırcınlarında (Coturnix coturnix japonica) seleksiyonun yumurta ağırlığı, kabuk kalınlığı, kabuk ağırlığı, şekil indeksi, albumen indeksi, sarı indeksi ve ... -
Chemical constituents and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils from Sedum pallidum var. bithynicum and S. spurium grown in Turkey
(Taylor&Francis LTD., 2010)Chemical compositions of the essential oil of Sedum pallidum Bieb. var. bithynicum (Boiss.) and S. spurium Bieb. (Crassulaceae) from Turkey were investigated by GC-MS, and antimicrobial activity of the oil samples were ...