Customer preference for islamic banks in Turkey a model of planned behavior theory
Pilatin, A. & Dilek, Ö. (2022). Customer Preference for Islamic Banks in Turkey A Model of Planned Behavior Theory. Turkish Journal of Islamic Economics-TUJISE.Özet
Despite the increase in the number of service recipients from the banking sector and the increasing competition among banks, the share of Islamic banking in Turkey, which is a Muslim country, is low compared to other Islamic countries. This situation makes the customers' choice of participation banks very important. The fact that there are few studies investigating this situation in the literature is the main motivation for the research. For this reason, Theory of Planned Behaviour was used to reveal the factors that enabled the adoption of Islamic banking in Turkey. In the study, online survey data of 695 people were used. The data were analyzed through the structural equation model. With the Planned Behavior Model used in the research, the effects of Attitude, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control and Intention on Actual Behavior, that is, Islamic banking service usage, were investigated. According to the Standardized Regression Weights, it was determined that the effect of attitude on intention was higher than the subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. Given this high impact of attitude on intent, it is important for Islamic banks to focus on activities that will increase positive consumer attitudes towards their services. In addition, it was concluded that the most important determinant of real behavior was PBC.It is thought that the results will provide findings that will provide competitive advantage to Islamic banks that want to increase their customer potential and market share in the sector.