Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

    • Batum immigrants (1914-1930) 

      Arslan, Zehra (Ahmet Yesevi Univ, 2014)
      After the acquisition of Batum by Russia through the Berlin Congress, mass migration movements were observed from this region to Anatolia. Migrations from Batum to Anatolia continued over the course of World War I, the ...
    • Kafkasya’da bir limanın Yükselişi: Poti Limanı (1856-1914) 

      Turan, Resul (2024)
      Poti, under the Ottoman rule served as a barrier for the security of the Caucasian coasts and inlands. Its defensive function has become more prominent as a result of Russia’s policy of expanding its borders. The city’s ...