FEF, Matematik Bölümü Koleksiyonu: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 156
The saturation of convergence for the complex q-durrmeyer polynomials
(Springer, 2025)The aim of this paper is to establish a saturation result for the complex q-Durrmeyer polynomials (Dn,qf)(z), where q∈(0,1), f∈C[0,1]. It is known that the sequence {(Dn,qf)(z)}n∈N converges uniformly on any compact set ... -
Moment-based approximation for variance of semi-Markovian random walk with gamma distributed interference of chance
(TUBITAK, 2024)This study proposed moment-based approximations for the expected value and variance of the ergodic distribution of the semi-Markovian random walk process (X(t)) with gamma distributed interference of chance. Many studies ... -
Coverings, actions and quotients in cat1-groupoids
(Drustvo Matematicara Srbije, 2024)The aim of this paper is to present the notions of actions and coverings of cat1-groupoids and to prove the natural equivalence between their categories. Moreover, in this context, we characterize the quotient concept of ... -
On the rate of convergence for the q-durrmeyer polynomials in complex domains
(Walter de Gruyter, 2024)The q-Durrmeyer polynomials are one of the popular q-versions of the classical operators of approximation theory. They have been studied from different points of view by a number of researchers. The aim of this work is to ... -
On the eigenstructure of the q-stancu operator
(Ankara University, 2024)The main goal of this research is to find the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the q-Stancu operator, Ln,s,q, introduced by L. Yun and R. Wang. In this work, an explicit representation for moments of all ... -
Approximate solutions of fractional differential equations using optimal q-homotopy analysis method: a case study of abel differential equations
(MDPI, 2024)In this study, the optimal q-Homotopy Analysis Method (optimal q-HAM) has been used to investigate fractional Abel differential equations. This article is designed as a case study, where several forms of Abel equations, ... -
Extension of TODIM method based on distance measures of decomposed fuzzy sets
(Springer, 2024)Fuzzy sets allow elements to have partial membership in a set, represented by a membership value between 0 and 1. This feature enables fuzzy sets to model imprecise or vague concepts. Decomposed fuzzy sets, an extension ... -
Utilizing fractional derivatives and sensitivity analysis in a random framework: a model-based approach to the investigation of random dynamics of malware spread
(Springer, 2024)In this study, an ordinary-deterministic equation system modeling the spread dynamics of malware under mutation is analyzed with fractional derivatives and random variables. The original model is transformed into a system ... -
Four new sequence spaces obtained from the domain of quadruple band matrix operator
(Association of Mathematicians (MATDER), 2024)In this work, we construct the new sequence spaces c0 (Q), c(Q), ℓ∞ (Q) and ℓp (Q) derived by the domain of quadruple band matrix, which generalizes the matrices ∆3, B(r, s, t), ∆2, B(r, s), ∆, where ∆3, B(r, s, t), ∆2, ... -
Aggregation operators of complex fuzzy Z-number sets and their applications in multi-criteria decision making
(Springer, 2024)Fuzzy sets (FSs) are a flexible and powerful tool for reasoning about uncertain situations that cannot be adequately expressed by classical sets. However, these sets fall short in two areas. The first is the reliability ... -
Shape-preserving properties of the limit q-Durrmeyer operator
(Elsevier, 2024)The present work aims to establish the shape-preserving properties of the limit q-Durrmeyer operator, Dq for 0<q<1. It has been proved that the operator is monotonicity- and convexity-preserving. What is more, it maps a ... -
Analyzing the stochastic dynamics of COVID-19 waves in Turkey using real data and piecewise sinusoidal functions
(Springer, 2024)In this study, the SIR compartmental model with vital dynamics and standard incidence is used to investigate COVID-19 transmission dynamics in Turkey. The transmission rate of the original model is replaced with a piecewise ... -
Closure operators constructed by logical operations on bounded lattices
(Elsevier, 2024)In this paper, closure operators obtained from functions having some properties on bounded lattices are defined. By this way, it is aimed to generalize the notions T and U-closure operators obtained from t-norms and uninorms, ... -
On the continuity in q of the family of the limit q-Durrmeyer operators
(De Gruyter, 2024)This study deals with the one-parameter family {D-q}(q is an element of[0,1]) of Bernstein-type operators introduced by Gupta and called the limit q-Durrmeyer operators. The continuity of this family with respect to the ... -
The impact of the limit q-durrmeyer operator on continuous functions
(Springer, 2024)The limit q-Durrmeyer operator, D-infinity,D-q, was introduced and its approximation properties were investigated by Gupta (Appl. Math. Comput. 197(1):172-178, 2008) during a study of q-analogues for the Bernstein-Durrmeyer ... -
Some new paranormed sequence spaces derived by q-second difference matrix
(Islamic Azad University, 2023)The goal of this research is to construct the extended versions of the original Maddox's paranormed sequence spaces, denoted by the notation l(del(2)(q), p) and l(infinity)(del(2)(q), p). These spaces are linear isomorphic ... -
Generalized correlation coefficients of intuitionistic multiplicative sets and their applications to pattern recognition and clustering analysis
(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2024)Intuitionistic multiplicative preference relations (IMPRs) and intuitionistic multiplicative sets (IMSs) play a significant role in real-life problems that contain unsymmetrical and nonuniform information. Correlation ... -
The continuity in q of the Lupaş q-analogues of the Bernstein operators
(Elsevier, 2024)The Lupas q-analogue Rn,q of the Bernstein operator is the first known q-version of the Bernstein polynomials. It had been proposed by A. Lupas in 1987, but gained the popularity only 20 years later, when q-analogues of ... -
Dual octonions and rigid body kinematics
(Wiley, 2024)In this paper, we first give the basic information about octonions and present the Euclidean rotation matrix formed by an octonion in seven-dimensional Euclidean space. Next, we define and introduce the -module and dual ...