Güncel Gönderiler: Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 48, listelenen: 21-40
New energy geopolitics shaped by energy transition: The energy balance for rare earth elements and critical minerals
(Türk İşbirliği ve Koordinasyon Ajansı Başkanlığı, 2021)Energy transitions have affected world development historically. Energy transitions first started with the use of wood as a heating source reached renewable energy sources that are environmentally-friendly, safer ... -
The impact of the European Court of Human Rights over local norms: The case of Turkey
(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021)The article aims at exploring the impact of the European Court of Human Rights on the local norms of Turkey, a topic that has been understudied, given its burgeoning significance. The Court is institutionally able to ... -
Partnership and rescue party and the transformation of political opposition in Jordan
(MDPI, 2022)In Jordan, the main regime, as a successful political survival strategy, while skillfully forming a tight pro-regime political coalition all along, has kept an even firmer grip on the political opposition. The political ... -
Global gender equality norm and trade unions in Turkey: Local contestations, rival validations, and discrepant receptions
(İstanbul University Press, 2022)Gender equality is a global norm, and the existing norm mechanisms attribute to trade unions globally a stakeholder position in norm diffusion and promotion. This is well-articulated in the official documents and the ... -
Intra-conservative bloc contestations on gender equality in Turkey - norm reception in fragmented normative orders
(Sage Publications, 2022)This research problematizes the contested nature of the global norm diffusion by focusing on intra-group rivalries and fragmentations shaping local responses (often reactionary and resistant) to global norms. Such an ... -
Fragmented local normative orders, unresolved localizations, and the contesting of gender equality norms in Turkey
(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2022)This paper examines the localization process of the global gender equality norm in Turkey and argues that the normative contestations on this concern, among rival political blocs and activist groups, have not allowed any ... -
The rise and fall of the muslim brotherhood: The problem of political institutionalization in islamic movements
(İlem Yayınları, 2021)slami hareketler akademik yazını, üzerine araştırma yapmak isteyenlere oldukça cömert bir kaynak sunar. Ancak konuyla alakalı derinlemesine yapılacak bir araştırma, eldeki zengin külliyatın ekseriyetle görece dar bir ... -
Ulusüstü Avrupa bBirliği kurumları arasındaki güç dengesi: İşbirliği mi, rekabet mi?
(2017)Sıklıkla dünya üzerindeki en ileri bölgesel bütünleşme deneyimi olarak anılan Avrupa Birliği'nin (AB) temelinde üye devletlerden devredilen yetkiler yer almaktadır. AB düzeyinde bu yetkiler çoğunlukla hükümetlerarası ve ... -
Türkiye’nin Libya olaylarında izlediği politikayı realizmin insan doğası, güç ve ahlak tanımları üzerinden açıklamak
(2013)Realizm, Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplininde üzerinde en çok tartışılan teorilerden biridir. Geçmişi iki bin beş yüz yıl öncesine dayandırılan Realizm ele aldığı güç, çıkar, devlet, güçler dengesi, tehdit gibi önemli ... -
Metodolojik ulusçuluk ve Türkiye'de dış politika çalışmaları
(2016)Metodolojik Ulusçuluk, beşeri dünyanın, kendini ulus-devletler olarak organize etmiş uluslardan müteşekkil bir yapı olarak tahayyül edilmesi ve yazılması olarak tanımlanan ve sosyal bilimlerin tümü için sonuçları olan bir ... -
Suriye’deki krize bir çözüm önerisi olarak mezhepler ittifakı
(2015)2010 yılının sonuna doğru, önce Kuzey Afrika'daki ülkelerde başlayıp çok uzun olmayan süre içerisinde bu bölgedeki yönetimlerin başındakilerinin değişmesine yol açan halk ayaklanmalarıyla, Ortadoğu'daki diğer ülkelerin ... -
Diffusionism and beyond in IR norm research
(Routledge, 2021)This article suggests the relevance of diffusionism in discussing the past, the present, and the future of the International Relations (IR) norm diffusion literature. The paper argues, thus, that IR norm research has ... -
Broadening the nongovernmental humanitarian mission: the IHH and mediation
(Seta Foundation, 2015)The IHH delivers relief aid to 140 countries worldwide. Quite recently, as a novel humanitarian practice, the IHH has begun acting as a mediator in intra-state conflicts and even accumulated considerable experience in it. ... -
Methodological nationalism and the study of foreign policy in Turkey
(Uluslararasi Iliskiler Konseyi Dernegi, 2016)Methodological nationalism, while defined as imagining and studying a humanity consisting of nations that organizes itself as nation-states, poses a problem for academia with consequences for the entire social sciences. ... -
The Kosovar Turks and Post-Kemalist Turkey foreign policy, socialisation and resistance conclusion
(I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)This book aimed to explore the implications of the post-Kemalist changes in Turkey on Outside Turks communities in the specific case of Kosovar Turks. To this end, it has offered a norm-based analysis of the constitutive ... -
Cascade of Post-Kemalist norms to Kosovo
(I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)In the previous chapter, I showed the substantial role of identity politics in norm mobilisation. It is, moreover, identity politics which renders possible the norm cascade. Confirming this, the emergent post-Kemalist norms ... -
Local responses to post-Kemalist socialisation
(I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)In the previous two chapters, I traced the emergence of the post-Kemalist norms concerning Outside Turks and their diffusion to Kosovo through post-Kemalist foreign policy practices. In this chapter I elaborate the extent ... -
Overseas implications of domestic norms
(I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)The above chapters reviewed the post-Kemalist transformation in Turkey and in Turkey’s approach to “Outside Turks” communities. Since the main enquiry this book seeks to address is the impact that post-Kemalist Turkey has ... -
Emergence of post-kemalist norms concerning outside Turks
(I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)The post-Kemalist transformation of Turkey was shown to have emerged thanks to the novel emancipatory and atavist discourses in the country that have given previously deprived groups adequate room in the economic and ... -
Outside Turks locality in Kosovo — making of Kosovar Turks
(I B Tauris & Co Ltd, 2017)The state of being at home “abroad” began to be experienced by Turkish-speaking communities in Kosovo as early as 1913 as the Ottoman Empire suffered a huge loss in the Balkan Wars. Until the establishment of the Kingdom ...