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dc.contributor.authorBeyaz, Şengül
dc.contributor.authorErdinç, Münevver
dc.contributor.authorHayme, Serhat
dc.contributor.authorAslan, Ayşe Feyza
dc.contributor.authorAydın, Ömür
dc.contributor.authorGökmen, Derya
dc.contributor.authorBuhari, Gözde Köycü
dc.contributor.authorSözener, Zeynep Çelebi
dc.contributor.authorGemicioğlu, Bilun
dc.contributor.authorBulut, İsmet
dc.contributor.authorÖrçen, Cihan
dc.contributor.authorÖzdemir, Seçil Kepil
dc.contributor.authorKeren, Metin
dc.contributor.authorDamadoğlu, Ebru
dc.contributor.authorYakut, Tuğçe
dc.contributor.authorKalpaklıoğlu, Ayşe Füsun
dc.contributor.authorBaccıoğlu, Ayşe
dc.contributor.authorYalım, Sümeyra Alan
dc.contributor.authorYılmaz, İnsu
dc.contributor.authorKalkan, İlkay Koca
dc.contributor.authorUysal, Mehmet Atilla
dc.contributor.authorNiksarlıoğlu, Elif Yelda Özgün
dc.contributor.authorKalyoncu, Ali Fuat
dc.contributor.authorKarakaya, Gül
dc.contributor.authorErbay, Müge
dc.contributor.authorNaycı, Sibel
dc.contributor.authorTepetam, Fatma Merve
dc.contributor.authorGelincik, Aslı Akkor
dc.contributor.authorDirol, Hülya
dc.contributor.authorGöksel, Özlem
dc.contributor.authorKaraoğlanoğlu, Selen
dc.contributor.authorErkekol, Ferda Öner
dc.contributor.authorIsık, Sacide Rana
dc.contributor.authorYıldız, Füsun
dc.contributor.authorYavuz, Yasemin
dc.contributor.authorKaradoğan, Dilek
dc.contributor.authorBozkurt, Nurgül
dc.contributor.authorŞeker, Ümmühan
dc.contributor.authorOğuzülgen, İpek Kıvılcım
dc.contributor.authorBaşyiğit, İlknur
dc.contributor.authorBarış, Serap Argun
dc.contributor.authorUçar, Elif Yılmazel
dc.contributor.authorErdoğan, Tuba
dc.contributor.authorPolatlı, Mehmet
dc.contributor.authorEdiger, Dane
dc.contributor.authorGünaydın, Fatma Esra
dc.contributor.authorTürk, Murat
dc.contributor.authorPür, Leyla
dc.contributor.authorKatran, Zeynep Yeğin
dc.contributor.authorSekibağ, Yonca
dc.contributor.authorAykaç, Enes Furkan
dc.contributor.authorMungan, Dilşad
dc.contributor.authorGül, Özcan
dc.contributor.authorCengiz, Ali
dc.contributor.authorAkkurt, Bülent
dc.contributor.authorÖzden, Şeyma
dc.contributor.authorDemir, Semra
dc.contributor.authorÜnal, Derya
dc.contributor.authorCan, Ali
dc.contributor.authorGümüşburun, Reyhan
dc.contributor.authorBoğatekin, Gülhan
dc.contributor.authorAkten, Hatice Serpil
dc.contributor.authorİnan, Sinem
dc.contributor.authorÖğüş, Aliye Candan
dc.contributor.authorKavas, Murat
dc.contributor.authorYuluğ, Demet Polat
dc.contributor.authorÇakmak, Mehmet Erdem
dc.contributor.authorKaya, Saltuk Buğra
dc.contributor.authorAlpagat, Gülistan
dc.contributor.authorÖzgür, Eylem Sercan
dc.contributor.authorUzun, Oğuz
dc.contributor.authorGülen, Şule Taş
dc.contributor.authorPekbak, Gülseren
dc.contributor.authorKızılırmak, Deniz
dc.contributor.authorHavlucu, Yavuz
dc.contributor.authorDönmez, Halil
dc.contributor.authorArslan, Bahar
dc.contributor.authorÇetin, Gülden Paçacı
dc.contributor.authorSoyyiğit, Şadan
dc.contributor.authorKara, Bilge Yılmaz
dc.contributor.authorKarakış, Gülden Paşaoğlu
dc.contributor.authorDursun, Adile Berna
dc.contributor.authorKendirlinan, Reşat
dc.contributor.authorÖztürk, Ayşe Bilge
dc.contributor.authorSevinç, Can
dc.contributor.authorŞimşek, Gökçen Ömeroğlu
dc.contributor.authorAbadoğlu, Öznur
dc.contributor.authorÇerçi, Pamir
dc.contributor.authorYücel, Taşkın
dc.contributor.authorYorulmaz, İrfan
dc.contributor.authorTezcaner, Zahide Çiler
dc.contributor.authorTatar, Emel Çadallı
dc.contributor.authorSüslü, Ahmet Emre
dc.contributor.authorÖzer, Serdar
dc.contributor.authorDursun, Engin
dc.contributor.authorYorgancıoğlu, Arzu
dc.contributor.authorÇelik, Gülfem Eli
dc.identifier.citationBeyaz, Ş., Erdinç, M., Hayme, S., Aslan, A. F., Aydin, Ö., Gökmen, D., Köycü Buhari, G., Çelebi Sözener, Z., Gemicioğlu, B., Bulut, İ., Örçen, C., Kepil Özdemir, S., Keren, M., Damadoğlu, E., Yakut, T., Füsun Kalpaklıoğlu, A., Baccıoğlu, A., Alan Yalım, S., Yılmaz, İ., . . . Elif Çelik, G. (2025). Trends in prescribing montelukast in patients with asthma in real-life. Allergologia et Immunopathologia, 53(1), 12–25.
dc.description.abstractMontelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) approved for the treatment of asthma and allergic rhinitis, is widely used, though real-world data on its application in asthma management remain limited. This registry-based study evaluated the use of montelukast in adult asthma patients, examining demographic and disease characteristics, asthma control status, asthma phenotypes, presence of atopy, and treatment regimens. Among 2053 patients analyzed, 61.76% (n = 1268; mean age: 46.2 ± 14.3 years), predominantly females (~76%), received montelukast. Montelukast users showed higher rates of allergic rhinitis (P < 0.001), hypersensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (P = 0.008), and chronic rhinosinusitis (P = 0.008). Montelukast group also had higher atopy and total IgE levels and tended to be more eosinophilic. Montelukast was commonly preferred in allergic, eosinophilic, NSAID-exacerbated respiratory disease, and severe asthma phenotypes (P < 0.001). Patients receiving Steps 4 and 5 treatments are more likely to be prescribed montelukast (P < 0.001). Montelukast usage was higher among patients with uncontrolled asthma [ACT< 20 (OR:1.29, 95%CI:1.052-1.582, P = 0.014)]. In addition, logistic regression analyses identified the main factors associated with increased montelukast use as; female gender (OR:1.33, 95%CI:1.041-1.713, P = 0.02), presence of atopy (OR:1.46, 95%CI:1.157-1.864, P = 0.002), comorbid allergic rhinitis (OR:2.12, 95%CI:1.679-2.293, P < 0.001), and severe asthma (OR:2.18, 95%CI:1.712-2.784, P < 0.001). These findings reveal that montelukast use is prevalent among asthma patients, particularly in females, middle-aged adults, and those with comorbid allergic rhinitis, uncontrolled asthma, or specific asthma phenotypes, underscoring the factors that influence its prescription in asthma management.en_US
dc.publisherCodon Publicationsen_US
dc.subjectAsthma treatmenten_US
dc.subjectLeukotriene receptor antagonistsen_US
dc.titleTrends in prescribing montelukast in patients with asthma in real-life: Results from the Turkish adult asthma registryen_US
dc.contributor.departmentRTEÜ, Tıp Fakültesi, Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorKaradoğan, Dilek
dc.contributor.institutionauthorDönmez, Halil
dc.relation.journalAllergologia et immunopathologiaen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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