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dc.contributor.authorSağır, Lütfullah
dc.contributor.authorKaba, Esat
dc.contributor.authorHüner Yiğit, Merve
dc.contributor.authorTaşçı, Filiz
dc.contributor.authorUzun, Hakkı
dc.identifier.citationSagir, L., Kaba, E., Huner Yigit, M., Tasci, F., & Uzun, H. (2025). Predicting Semen Analysis Parameters from Testicular Ultrasonography Images Using Deep Learning Algorithms: An Innovative Approach to Male Infertility Diagnosis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 14(2), 516.
dc.description.abstractObjectives: Semen analysis is universally regarded as the gold standard for diagnosing male infertility, while ultrasonography plays a vital role as a complementary diagnostic tool. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven deep learning algorithms in predicting semen analysis parameters based on testicular ultrasonography images. Materials and Methods: This study included male patients aged 18–54 who sought evaluation for infertility at the Urology Outpatient Clinic of our hospital between February 2022 and April 2023. All patients underwent comprehensive assessments, including blood hormone profiling, semen analysis, and scrotal ultrasonography, with each procedure being performed by the same operator. Longitudinal-axis images of both testes were obtained and subsequently segmented. Based on the semen analysis results, the patients were categorized into groups according to sperm concentration, progressive motility, and morphology. Following the initial classification, each semen parameter was further subdivided into “low” and “normal” categories. The testicular images from both the right and left sides of all patients were organized into corresponding folders based on their associated laboratory parameters. Three distinct datasets were created from the segmented images, which were then augmented. The datasets were randomly partitioned into an 80% training set and a 20% test set. Finally, the images were classified using the VGG-16 deep learning architecture. Results: The area under the curve (AUC) values for the classification of sperm concentration (oligospermia versus normal), progressive motility (asthenozoospermia versus normal), and morphology (teratozoospermia versus normal) were 0.76, 0.89, and 0.86, respectively. Conclusions: In our study, we successfully predicted semen analysis parameters using data derived from testicular ultrasonography images through deep learning algorithms, representing an innovative application of artificial intelligence. Given the limited published research in this area, our study makes a significant contribution to the field and provides a foundation for future validation studies.en_US
dc.subjectArtificial intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectDeep learningen_US
dc.subjectSemen analysisen_US
dc.subjectTesticular ultrasonographyen_US
dc.titlePredicting semen analysis parameters from testicular ultrasonography images using deep learning algorithms: an innovative approach to male infertility diagnosisen_US
dc.contributor.departmentRTEÜ, Tıp Fakültesi, Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorSağır, Lütfullah
dc.contributor.institutionauthorKaba, Esat
dc.contributor.institutionauthorHüner Yiğit, Merve
dc.contributor.institutionauthorTaşçı, Filiz
dc.contributor.institutionauthorUzun, Hakkı
dc.relation.journalJournal of Clinical Medicineen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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