Can thiamine pyrophosphate prevent desflurane induced hepatotoxicity in rats?

Göster/ Aç
Arslan, AynurKuyrukluyıldız, Ufuk
Binici, Orhan
Çetin, Nihal
Balcı, Mecdi Gürhan
Kuzucu, Mehmet
Yılmaz, Adnan
Altuner, Durdu
Çoban, Taha Abdülkadir
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Arslan, A., Kuyrukluyildiz, U., Binici, O., Cetin, N., Balci, M.G., Kuzucu, M. Yilmaz, A. ve diğerleri (2016). Can thiamine pyrophosphate prevent desflurane induced hepatotoxicity in rats?. Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 31(3), 168-175.Özet
PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) against desflurane induced hepatotoxicity. METHODS: Thirty experimental animals were divided into groups as healthy (HG), desflurane control (DCG), TPP and desflurane group (TDG). 20 mg/kg TPP was injected to intraperitoneally TDG. After one hour of TPP administration, desflurane was applied for two hours. After 24 hours, liver tissues of the animals killed with decapitation were removed. the oxidant/antioxidant levels and ALT, AST and LDH activities were measured. the histopathological examinations were performed in the liver tissues for all rats. RESULTS: Notwithstanding the levels of oxidants and liver enzymes were significantly increased (p<0.0001), antioxidant levels were significantly decreased in DCG (p<0.0001). on contrary to the antioxidant parameters were increased (p<0.05) the oxidant parameters and liver enzymes were decreased in TDG (p<0.0001). Whereas multiple prominent, congestion, hemorrhage and dilatation were observed in sinusoids and lymphocyte-rich inflammation results in the centrilobular and portal areas of liver tissue in DCG, these findings were observed less frequently in TDG. CONCLUSION: Thiamine pyrophosphate prevented liver oxidative damage induced with desflurane and may be useful in prophylaxis of desflurane induced hepatotoxicity.