The relationship between banks' credit quality, credit growth and social capital: evidence from Turkish banking sector
Pilatin, A. & Ayaydin, H. (2022). The relationship between banks' credit quality, credit growth and social capital: evidence from Turkish banking sector. Middle East Development Journal , 14(1), 133-170.Özet
The aim of this study is to empirically examine the relationship between credit growth, credit quality and social capital of all commercial banks operating in Turkey for a period of twelve years between 2007 and 2018 on the basis of 81 provinces.
In order to measure social capital on a provincial basis, the independent variable SC1 was obtained by applying principal component analysis to the variables consisting of 2 network and 2 norm variables. In addition, province-based organ donation rate was used as an alternative social capital variable. Changes in Total Loans (Delta TL), Changes in Real Estate Loans (Delta REL), Changes in Commercial and Industrial Loans (Delta CIL), Changes in Construction Loans (Delta CL), Changes in Non-Performing Loans (Delta NPL), Ratio of Non-Performing Loans to Total Loans (NPL/TL) and Ratio of Non-Performing Loans to Total Assets (NPL/TA) were determined as the dependent variable. The relationship between the level of social capital (SC1) and seven dependent variables on a provincial basis in Turkey was analyzed and measured using panel data techniques. The results of the analysis show that the relationship between the social capital level of the provinces, credit growth and non-performing loans are negative and significant. The results of the study show that the level of social capital is important and decisive in terms of credit growth and credit risk of banks.
Middle East Development JournalCilt
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