Yayın tarihi için İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Koleksiyonu listeleme
Toplam kayıt 249, listelenen: 1-20
Coupled longshore and cross-shore models for beach nourishment evolution at laboratory scale
(ASCE Library, 2008)A series of three-dimensional laboratory experiments on beach nourishment behavior are described and analyzed. The experiments were designed to isolate the influences of berm height, beachfill median grain size, wave height, ... -
Investigation of beaches suitable for nourishment in Rize Province, Turkey
(Middle East Technical University, 2009)Black Sea Coast Motorway was recently built along the shore (about 600 km), and a number of beaches were destroyed. Now there are a couple of short beaches in Eastern Black Sea region. People need new beaches. On the other ... -
The effect of daylight saving time options on electricity consumption of Turkey
(Elsevier Ltd, 2010)Most of the developed countries in the world use Daylight Saving Time (DST) as an energy conservation method. This study focuses on the effects of DST on electrical lighting in the buildings in Turkey. Turkey might adjust ... -
The effect of capillarity on chloride transport and the prediction of the accumulation region of chloride in concretes with reinforcement corrosion
(Elsevier, 2012)In this study, 20-year-old residential buildings which have reinforcement bar corrosion in their basement columns were investigated in Rize, Turkey. The reason for the occurrence of high steel corrosion in only some certain ... -
The determination of energy production potential of traditional water mills in the district of Kalkandere in Turkey
(2012)A county in the province of Rize in Turkey, Kalkandere is topographically hilly and sloping terrain. Therefore, the stream is available in large amounts. In addition, Rize is the province of Turkey's highest rainfall and ... -
Comparison of nonlinear static and dynamic analyses on A R/C building
(2013)In recent years, nonlinear calculation methods can be easily carried out by means of developing computer technologies. In this way, comparisons of the nonlinear methods have started to increase rapidly and more studies are ... -
Determination of natural radioactivity levels of some concretes and mineral admixtures in Turkey
(Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2014)Nine concrete samples with or without mineral admixtures have been analyzed for their naturally occurring radionuclide of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 using HPGe gamma spectrometry. Also, concrete raw materials such as aggregate, ... -
Solutıon of a recedıng contact problem usıng an analytıcal method and a fınıte element method
(Mathematical Science Publ, 2014)In this study, a receding contact problem for two elastic layers supported by a Winkler foundation is handled using two different methods such as an analytical method and a finite element method. Firstly, the problem is ... -
Comparison of energy performance and static loads on a building integrated wind, solar, and rainwater harvester
(Springer International Publishing, 2014)In recent years, sustainable energy and green buildings are developed as important issues. Many helpful systems were developed to profit from advantages of different renewable energy sources. However, the research on ... -
Analysis of continuous and discontinuous cases of a contact problem using analytical method and FEM
(Latin Amer J Solids Structures, 2015)In this paper, continuous and discontinuous cases of a contact problem for two elastic layers supported by a Winkler foundation are analyzed using both analytical method and finite element method. in the analyses, it is ... -
Analytical solution of a contact problem and comparison with the results from FEM
(Techno-Press, 2015)This paper presents a comparative study of analytical method and finite element method (FEM) for analysis of a continuous contact problem. the problem consists of two elastic layers loaded by means of a rigid circular punch ... -
Use of the point load index in estimation of the strength rating for the RMR system
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015)The Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system is a worldwide reference for design applications involving estimation of rock mass properties and tunnel support. in the RMR system, Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) is an important ... -
Utilization of the limit equilibrium and finite element methods for the stability analysis of the slope debris: An example of the Kalebasi District (NE Turkey)
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015)The stability of the slope debris in residential area of the Kalebasi District (Ozkurtun-Gumushane) was investigated using the Limit Equilibrium (LE) and Finite Element Shear-Strength Reduction (FE-SSR) methods. Along the ... -
Effect of the specimen length on ultrasonic P-wave velocity in some volcanic rocks and limestones
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015)Ultrasonic P-wave velocity (UPV) is commonly used in different fields such as civil, mining, geotechnical, and rock engineering. One of the significant parameters which affect the UPV of rock materials is likely to be the ... -
Beach profile model with size-selective sediment transport. I: laboratory experiment and sensitivity study
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2015)The response of physical models of beach profiles to random breaking waves was studied to investigate size-selective sediment transport and cross-shore profile evolution. Three types of beach profiles with different sediment ... -
Analytical and finite element solution of a receding contact problem
(Techno-Press, 2015)In this paper, a receding contact problem for an elastic layer resting on two quarter planes is considered. the layer is pressed by a stamp and distributed loads. It is assumed that the contact surfaces are frictionless ... -
Performans sıralaması yöntemiyle mevcut binaların bölgesel deprem risk dağılımının belirlenmesi
(2015)Deprem riski altındaki yapıların tespit edilmesi ve risk önceliklerinin araştırılması afete hazırlık açısından son derece önem teşkil etmektedir. Bu makale; bir deprem sonrasında binalarda meydana gelecek hasar seviyelerini ... -
İyidere-Of bölgesi batimetrisinin hazırlanması
(2015)Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi, Avrupa ve Orta Asya'ya açılan Kafkasya Koridoru üzerindeki konumu ile stratejik öneme sahiptir. Ovit Tüneli'nin tamamlanması bu ulaştırma koridorundaki Kuzey-Güney yük hareketinde ve özellikle İran ... -
Beach nourishment alternative assessment to constrain cross-shore and longshore sediment transport
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2016)A combined field and laboratory investigation was conducted to assess five options for creation of a recreational beach on a steep, armored shoreline on the eastern Black Sea coast. All designs incorporated a beach nourishment ... -
Understanding the mechanism of slope failure on a nearby highway tunnel route by different slope stability analysis methods: a case from NE Turkey
(Springer Heidelberg, 2016)The Arakli tunnel is located in the eastern Black Sea region where the most mass movement is observed in Turkey. Following the tunnel entrance portal excavations in basaltic tuffs on nearby the Konakonu residential area, ...