The status of the teaching profession in Turkey: a case study about the Teaching Profession Act
Sezer, Ş., Karabacak, N. & Can, E. (2024). The status of the teaching profession in Turkey: a case study about the Teaching Profession Act. Teacher Development.Özet
This study aimed to identify the views of educators on the status of the teaching profession taking into consideration the enacted Teaching Profession Act (TPA) in Turkey. The study aimed to reflect the views of participants from different backgrounds as much as possible. A qualitative research pattern and a case study model were adopted. The results identified the issues and content to be considered in the TPA. The results showed that the content of current TPA was limited. Participants emphasized that a participatory approach should have been adopted to prepare a comprehensive TPA. The participants requested a profession act that includes the qualifications framework of the teaching profession and professional rights of teachers. Participants also stated that the principles that protect the prestige and status of the teaching profession should be included in the professional law.
Teacher DevelopmentKoleksiyonlar
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